Chamber today

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.

International cooperation

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.

Business and services

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.


CCI of Russia Global connections

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation promotes the growth of the Russian economy and its integration into the world economic system and provides favorable conditions for the advancement of all business sectors.  CCI of Russia helps Russian businesses grow internationally through a wide network of Foreign representative offices and Business councils. 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation brings together 182 regional Chambers of Commerce, more than 200 unions, and other associations of entrepreneurs, 500 business associations at the regional level, about 50 thousand enterprises of large, medium and small businesses, non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs .

CCI of Russia is a member of the World Federation of Chambers of Commerce, the Association of Chambers of Commerce of the European countries, the Council of Heads of CCI of CIS Member States, the Confederation of Chambers of Commerce Asia-Pacific countries. CCI of Russia represents RF in the SCO Business Council and BRICS, as well as at the international Boao Forum for Asia. 
CCI of Russia is working with partner agencies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where the main instrument of cooperation is the Council of Heads of CCI of CIS member states, initiated by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian  Federation in November 2002. 

They are discussing together: 
  • joint innovation development 
  • support and development of small and medium-sized businesses, 
  • exhibition activity, 
  • the unified information space, 
  • expansion of inter-regional and cross-border cooperation, 
  • development of public-private partnerships, 
  • training for business, 
  • protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and business security 
  • problems of manpower and labor migration, and others. 

Cooperation with neighboring countries

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation supports close contacts with the Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia,  allowing defend market interests of Russian business. It is also maintaining contacts with Chambers of Commerce of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova.

Cooperation with partners from foreign countries

Russian Chamber of Commerce has offices in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic, and other countries. It is promoted by well-established time partnerships with the local Chamber of Commerce, industry associations and business associations. 

In the work to Asia Chamber built fruitful business cooperation with partners from China and India, including through the SCO Business Council and BRICS. In Beijing, Shanghai and New Delhi are permanent representative offices of the CCI of Russia, with the possibility to organize exhibitions, conferences, trade fairs and other events at very high level. 

Since 2013 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation represents our country in the Boao Forum for Asia. We plan to continue to make extensive use of this major Asian business platform for the promotion of Russian interests in the Asia-Pacific region. 

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation is in constant collaboration with partner organizations in the framework of the Russia-China-Mongolia. 

CCI of Russia develops relationships with partners in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. 

Interaction with BRICS 

Special attention is paid to the development of the CCI of Russia interaction with the BRICS countries (Brazil, India, China, South Africa). The main tool for the development of business cooperation in this format is the BRICS Business Council, the Russian part of which is headed by the President of the RF CCI Sergey Katyrin. 
The work of the Russian Business Council BRICS focused on promoting joint projects of the participating countries, the search for and the support of multilateral investment projects. For this purpose, widely used international forums and exhibitions organized by the Business Council of the BRICS, as sites for the discussion of these projects. 
Currently, the focus of the Russian Business Council BRICS aims at organizing and conducting in 2015, the business program in the framework of the fact that Russia will chair the BRICS. 

Interaction within the SCO (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)

SCO Business Council meets twice a year the heads of national units, which approves the plans and directions of work for a year. On the eve of the Summit of Heads of State of the SCO Business Council holds economic forum, the results of which declares at the Summit of the SCO head of the executive committee of the organization. 

Regional Chambers 

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation directs and actively cooperates with regional chambers as part of an international direction. 
In particular, in close cooperation with the regional chambers are working to enhance the international business cooperation in the Arctic, including in the framework of the established in 2010, the Association of Chambers of Commerce of the northern (polar) areas and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. 
Each year, with the participation and organizational support from the  CCI of Russia held about 50-60 business forums, trade missions, conferences, "round tables" and other events abroad with regional Chambers. 

Cooperation with international organizations 

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation participates in the activities of international and regional associations of Chambers of Commerce, including the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its division - World Chambers Federation as well as the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBERS) and the Confederation of Asia- Pacific  Commerce and Industry Chambers  (CACCI). 
Business Councils 
Currently CCI of Russia unites 71 Business Councils: Middle East and North Africa - 24, Europe - 15 (without CIS), Asia - 18, America - 6, CIS - 8. 
Business Councils created under the auspices of the Chamber at the initiative of the business community and are designed to consolidate the position of Russian business in the relevant country areas, to defend its interests and to facilitate the modernization of the Russian economy. 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation  has set the task of business councils actively involved in their work, small and medium business, especially regional, specific projects to promote bilateral cooperation, primarily in manufacturing and high technology. 

Business Council is an effective tool to promote the development of trade-economic relations of Russia. So, with the assistance of the Russian-Chinese Business Council implemented projects worth over USD 10 billion (of the largest projects in the regions: thermal power station building in Yaroslavl and modernization of thermal energy- more than USD 560 million; construction of mining and processing plant in Buryatia investment of over USD 1 billion). Number of projects in the fields of finance and innovation, agriculture, environmental protection, health and tourism is implemented with the support of the Russian-Israeli Council. Also deserves attention experience in the development of trade and economic relations of the Russian-Arab Business Council, the Business Council of the Russia-ASEAN Business Council with Austria, Belarus, Israel, India, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cuba, Latvia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Chile, the Coordination Committee on Economic Cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa and a number of other countries. 
CCI of Russia performs ongoing monitoring of business councils, paying particular attention to the presence implemented with the support of the board of investment projects, working to expand the membership base, as well as the practical results of participation in the IGC and other aspects of the activity. 
In the short term focus of the work of business councils will be placed on improving the utilization of their capacity, including the promotion of Russian interests in promising regional markets of the CIS countries, Africa south of the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, Latin America, South-East Asia. 

Foreign representative offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation 

CCI of Russia has 12 representative offices: Austria, Belgium, Britain, Germany, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, China (2 representative offices), Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic. 
As well 21 countries have honorary representatives CCI of Russia: Australia, Bulgaria, China, Germany, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Spain, Latvia, Malta, Monaco, Mongolia, Namibia, New Zealand, Oman, Slovakia, France, USA, Montenegro, Switzerland, Japan.