Chamber today

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.

International cooperation

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.

Business and services

Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.


Foreign representative offices

Foreign representative offices

The broad network of representative offices help to establish direct contact with potential foreign partners, provide information support outside Russia and make it possible to access new target markets. These organizations provide information services on specific business features of particular countries and regions and help to find partners for honest and mutually beneficial collaboration.
Representative offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation assist in giving presentations of Russian products and services, investment projects, participate in the formation of business missions and introduce new products and technologies of Russian companies.

Tasks foreign offices of the RF CCI to ensure reaction of foreign business partners to the proposals of Russian companies, dissemination of information on Russian products at international exhibitions, participation in exhibitions, preparation and organization of meetings of Russian and foreign business circles, analyzing and summarizing the experience of foreign countries in the field of business development, legislative initiatives along with the exhibition activity.