Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.
Our mission is to contribute to Russian economy by creation of comfortable conditions for the development of all kinds of business activity.
President - Vitaly A. Lochen
Postal Address: 52 Troitsky Prospekt, office 1036, Arkhangelsk, the Arkangelsk Region 163000, Russia
Telephone: (8182) 21-01-73, 20-42-14, 21-11-58
Fax: (8182)21-11-58, 20-42-14
E-mail: president@tpparh.ru
Web: arkhangelsk.tpprf.ru
President - Felix F. Lapin
Vice-President - Marina N. Fitsak (590 679)
Postal Address: 20 Vatutina St., Kaliningrad, the Kaliningrad Region 236010, Russia
Telephone: (4012) 590 650
Fax: (4012) 954 788
E-mail: info@kaliningrad-cci.ru
Web: www.kaliningrad-cci.ru, kaliningrad.tpprf.ru
President: Yuri M. Vasiliev
Address: 191186, 4 A Kirpichny Lane, St.Petersburg
Telephone: + 7 (812) 334-49-69
E-mail: info@lenobltpp.ru
Web: lo.tpprf.ru
Head of Division: Irina Y. Panchenko
Address: 199178, 76/A, 7th line of Vasilievsky Island, St.Petersburg
Telephone: 8-812-339-69-00
E-mail: olo@tpprf.ru
Web: http://olo.tpprf.ru/ru/
President - Sergey K. Plisov
Vice-Chairman - Andrey A. Ilin
Postal Address: 10 Rusanov St., Murmansk, the Murmansk Region 183038, Russia
Tel.: (8152) 55-47-20 (reception)
(8152) 55-47-47 (president)
(8152) 55-47-22 (certification)
(8152) 55-47-23 (department of foreign relations)
(8152) 55-47-24 (Center for the Development of Services and Interaction with Chambers)
E-mail: ncci@ncci.ru
Web: murmansk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Viktor A. Bykov
Postal Address: 1A German St. (3rd floor), Veliky Novgorod, the Novgorod Region 173002, Russia
Tel.: (8162) 13-69-00, 13-20-46
Fax: (8162) 13-20-46, 13-94-03
E-mail: viktor.bykov@ncci.novline.ru
Web: www.novgorodtpp.ru
President - Vladimir A. Zubov
Postal Address: 15a Sovetskaya St., Pskov, 180000, Russia
Tel.: (8112) 66-00-52, 66-38-83
Fax: (8112) 66-00-52, 66-38-83
E-mail: info@chamberpskov.ru
Web: www.cci.pskov.ru
Union «Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Pskov region» Velikie Luki branch
Head: Olga V. Mingaleeva
Postal Address: room 1009, 29 Lelina avenue, Velikie Luki town, the Pskov region, 182100, RF
Tel.: (81153) 45-976, 45-977, 45-978, 45-979
Fax: (81153) 45-976, 45-977, 45-978, 45-979
E-mail: tppluki@mail.ru
Web: www.cci.pskov.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of Komi
Date of establishment: 14.04.1994
President - Yuri A. Kolmakov
Postal Address: 98, Internacionalnaya St., Syktyvkar, the Republic of Komi 167000, Russia
Telephone: (8212)20-61-00 (reception), 20-61-02
Fax: (8212)20-61-06
E-mail: palata@tppkomi.ru
Web: komi.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Ukhta
Date of establishment: 14.04.2009
President - Marina M. Kaneva
Postal Address: of.105A, 14 Oktiabrskaya St., Ukhta, the Republic of Komi 169300, Russia
Telephone: (8216) 75-08-65
Fax: (8216) 76-05-35
E-mail: tppukhta@mail.ru
Director - Viktor I. Afanasenko
Postal Address: 16 Oktyabrsky Boulevard., Pushkin, St. Petersburg 196608, Russia
Tel.: (812) 476-8588
Fax: (812) 465-05-29
E-mail: tpp@lek.ru
Web: tsarskoe-selo.ru, pushkin.tpprf.ru
President - Vladimir I. Katenev
Chairman of the Board - Alexey I. Sergeev
Postal Address: 46-48 Chaikovsky St., St. Petersburg 191123, Russia
Tel.: (812) 273-48-96 (reception desk); 272-86-12 579-28-33, 119-66-44, 272-11-48
Fax: (812) 272-86-12, 272-64-06, 272-97-13
E-mail: spbcci@spbcci.ru
Web: spb.tpprf.ru, www.spbtpp.ru
President - Vladimir B. Shteingart
Postal Address: 74 Lenin St., Cherepovets, the Vologda Region 162602, Russia
Tel.:(8202) 51-88-52, 51-75-74, 51-91-05
Fax: (8202) 51-89-49
E-mail: tpp.cherepovets@mail.ru
Web: http://www.tpp-cherepovets.ru
President - Galina D. Telegina
Postal Address: 15 Lermontova St., Vologda, the Vologda Region 160000, Russia
Tel.: (8172) 72-14-80, 72-46-87, 72-32-58
Fax: (8172) 72-46-87, 72-49-00
E-mail: grant@vologda.ru, infolink@voinet.ru
Web: www.vologdatpp.ru
President - Valery S. Skrug
Postal Address: 110 Belgorodskiy prospekt, Belgorod, the Belgorod Region 308600, Russia
Tel.: (4722) 26-89-50 (reception), (472) 32-94-04 (accounting department), 23-06-50 (publishing department),31-25-54 (Department of foreign economic relations) 58-29-46, 58-29-48 (Exhibition Center)
Fax: (472) 231-14-51
E-mail: mailto:belrcci@belgtts.ru
Web: http://beltpp.ru/
President - Sergey I. Kotenev
Postal Address: 45 Kirova St., Gubkin, the Belgorod Region 309181, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (47241) 5-53-15; 4-55-93; 5-76-18
E-mail: gubkintpp@mail.ru
President - Ildus T. Sagitov
Postal Address: 66 Lenin St., Stary Oskol, the Belgorod Region 309530, Russia
Telephone: (4725) 22-13-40, 22-53-97
Fax: (4725) 22-13-40
E-mail: mailto:stpp@belgtts.ru
Web: starooskol.tpprf.ru
Acting President - Antonina V. Katyanina
Postal Address: 11 Komsomolskaya St., Bryansk, the Bryansk Region 241035, Russia
Tel.: (4832) 56-68-06
Fax: (4832) 56-68-06
E-mail: mailbox@btpp.org
Web: bryansk.tpprf.ru
President - Leonid G. Ivanov (4392) 936-224
Postal Address: 114 Lezhnevskaya St., Ivanovo, the Ivanovo Region 153022, Russia
Telephone: (4932) 936-224, 936-225, 936-227, 936-231, 936-229
Fax: (4932) 936-224
E-mail: 088@adminet.ivanovo.ru, tpp-ivanovo@yandex.ru,
Web: ivanovo.tpprf.ru
President - Vyacheslav V. Narukov
Postal Address: 60 Gorkogo St., Obninsk, the Kaluga Region, 249033, Russia
Telephone: (48439) 5-74-84
Fax: (48439) 5-74-94
E-mail: tpp@obninsk.com
Web: www.tpp.obninsk.ru
President - Violetta I. Komissarova
Postal Address: 9 Stary Torg Square, Kaluga, the Kaluga Region 248600, Russia
Telephone: (4842) 27-77-66, 56-47-97
Fax: (4842) 56-47-98
E-mail: tpp@tppkaluga.ru
Web: http://kaluga.tpprf.ru/ru/
President - Valentin V. Orlov
Postal Address: 24 Komsomolskaya St., Kostroma, the Kostroma Region 156000, Russia
Tel/Fax: (4942) 62-99-61/622/63/64/65
E-mail: ktpp@kmtn.ru, tppko@kostroma.ru
Web: http://www.tppko.ru/
President - Denis E. Frantsuzov
Postal Address: 59 Dimitrova, Kursk, the Kursk Region, 305000, Russia
Tel.: (4712) 70-02-38
Fax: (4712) 70-02-38
E-mail: info@kcci.ru
Web: kursk.tpprf.ru
President - Liliya D. Poghudina (22-60-04)
Postal Address: 78, Pervomaiskaya St., (3rd floor), Lipetsk, the Lipetsk Region 398001, Russia
Tel.: (4742) 22-60-69, 222-60-73
Fax: (4742) 22-29-57
E-mail: star@cci.lipetsk.su
Web: http://lipetsk.tpprf.ru/
President - Vladimir M. Platonov
Postal Address: 5 Petrovka str., building 1, floor 3, Moscow 107031, Russia
Telephone: (499) 940-33-16, (499) 940-33-25, (495) 276-12-54
Fax: (499) 940-33-16
E-mail: mtpp@mtpp.org
Web: www.mostpp.ru, moscow.tpprf.ru
President - Anatoly V. Shestakov,
Postal Address: 1 Slavy Square, Balashikha, the Moscow Region 143900, Russia
Tel.: (495) 529-10-00? 529-16-41
Fax: (495) 529-16-41
E-mail: btpp@btpp.ru
Web: http://www.btpp.ru/
Region of operation: Chernogolovka
President - Evgeny T. Zuev t.(496-52)273-87
Postal Address: 9 Lesnaya st., Chernogolovka the Moscow region 142432, Russia
E-mail: info@chgtpp.ru
Web: chgtpp.ru
President - S.V. Trifonov
Director general - Denis E. Franzuzov
Postal Address: 2 km Ilyinskoe Road,"Becema" Building, Krasnogorsk, the Moscow Region 143400, Russia
Tel.: (495)561-82-15, 562-12-41
Fax:(495) 562-47-19
E-mail: info@krascci.ru
E-mail: shmakov@becema.ru
Web: http://www.krascci.ru/
President - Vladimir N. Ponomarev
Postal Address: 131 Prospekt Krasnoi Armii, Sergiev Posad, the Moscow Region 141300, Russia
Tel./Fax: (496) 549-90-51
E-mail: tppsp@rambler.ru, tppsp@yandex.ru, tppsp@sergievposad.org
Web: http://www.tppsp.ru/
Moscow district CCI
Region of operation: Moscow district CCI
Date of establishment: 17.11.95
President - Igor E. Kuimov
Postal Address: 41 Prospekt Vernadskogo, building 1, 5th floor, Moscow 119991, Russia
Telephone: (495) 981-53-07
Fax: (495) 509-03-16
E-mail: info@tppmo.ru
Web: http://www.tppmo.ru/
President - Vladimir N. Bobrov
CEO - Tatiana Syrovatskaya
Postal Address: 35, Bogoliubov Avenue, Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia, PO Box 114
Tel.: (49621) 2-75-18, 2-75-81, 2-12-76
Fax: (49621) 2-75-18, 2-75-81
E-mail: tpp@dubna.ru
Web: http://tpp.dubna.ru/
President - Vladimir A. Polikarpov
Postal Address: 12 Mira St., Elektrostal, the Moscow region 144003, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (496)572-32-68, 577-08-89
E-mail: tpp@elsite.ru
President - Konstantin V. Rusakov
Postal Address: 8 Institutskaya St., Fryazino, the Moscow Region 141190, Russia
Tel./Fax: (985) 643-36-49
Fax:(495) 526-92-03, (495) 526-90-05
E-mail: ftpp@fryazino.net
CEO - Igor V. Sukhanov
Postal Address: 9 Shilova St., Kolomna, the Moscow region 140407, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (496)614-39-22, (496)612-47-40
E-mail: ktpp@list.ru
Web: www.kolomnatpp.com
President - Lyudmila A. Kozlova
Postal Address: 3, Marx St., apt. 51, Korolev, the Moscow Region 141070, Russia
Office: 5 Oktyabrskaya St, Korolev
Tel.: (495) 516-03-61
Fax: (495) 516-03-61
E-mail: mail@tppk.ru
Web: http://www.tppk.ru/
Vice-President - Evgeny I. Kochkin
Postal Address: 16 Lenin St., Lobnya, the Moscow Region 141730, Russia
Tel.: (495) 577-57-78
Fax: (495) 577-57-78
E-mail: tpp@tpplo.ru
President - Nikolay L. Kantovich
Postal Address: 190 Oktyabrsky prospect, Lyubertsy, the Moscow Region 140000, Russia
Telephone: 495) 503-75-72
Fax: (495) 503-75-72
E-mail: lubtpp@bk.ru
Web: www.ltpp.ru
President - Margarita A. Smirnova
Postal Address: 4 Revolution Square, office 112, Pavlovsky Posad, the Moscow Region 142500, Russia
Tel.: (49643) 5-33-65
Fax: 2-25-17
E-mail: vmtpp@rambler.ru
Web: http://tpp.pavlovskyposad.ru/
President: Alexandre V. Maiorov
Postal Address: 12 Komsomolskaya Square., Mozhaisk, the Moscow region, 143200, Russia
Telephone: (49638) 20-515, 8 (925) 624-73-14
E-mail: tpp_mozhaysk@mail.ru
Web: mozhaisk.tpprf.ru
President - Alexander V. Stupin
Postal Address: 30/1 Novomytishinsky pr., Mytishi, the Moscow region 141002, Russia
Telephone: (495) 510-31-34, 510-31-36
Fax: (495) 510-31-35
E-mail: info@mytischi.tpprf.ru, services@mytischi.tpprf.ru
Web: mytischi.tpprf.ru
President - Gregory A. Komarenko
Director general - Valery I. Balabukh
Postal Address: 30/1 Sverdlov St., office. 3 - 4, Podolsk, the Moscow Region 142104, Russia
Tel.: (4967) 55-70-90
Fax: (4967) 55-70-90
E-mail: pcci@podolsk.ru
Web: www.pcci.ru
President - Viktor S. Sadovnikov
Postal Address: 19 Novaya St., Reutov, the Moscow Region 143966, Russia
Tel.: (495) 791-70-83
Fax: (495) 791-7079
E-mail: mail@rtpp.ru
Web: http://www.rtpp.ru/
President - Anatoly V. Yakuchev
Postal Address: 28 1st Moscow street., Serpukhov, the Moscow Region 142200, Russia
Tel/Fax: (4967) 76-12-55, 76-12-56
Web: serpukhov.tpprf.ru
E-mail: serpcci@yandex.ru
President - Alexander V. Novikov
Vice President - Sladkov A. Sergey
Postal Address: 161 Krasnaya St., Solnechnogorsk, the Moscow region 141500, Russia
Telephone: 994-01-03
E-mail: stpp2008@yandex.ru
Web: http://soln.tpprf.ru/
CEO - Vladimir A. Falin
Postal Address: 5A Chaikovsky St., Stupino, the Moscow Region 142800, Russia
Tel.: (49664) 7-76-86
Fax: (49664) 7-76-83
E-mail: utpp@mail.ru
Web: www.utpp.msk.ru
President - Andrey N. Tsenterov
Postal Address:12 Melnikov prospect, Khimki, the Moscow Region , 141400 Russia
Tel./Fax:: (495) 574-38-55
E-mail: infohtpp@mail.ru
Web: http://www.htpp.ru/
Director general - Gary E. Khait
Postal Address: 29 B Pionerskaya St., Lukhovitsy, the Moscow Region 140500, Russia
Tel.: 8(496)63-9-12-12
Fax: 8(496)63-9-12-12
E-mail: lyh-tpp@mail.ru
President - Valery A. Logachev
Vice-president - Ivan E. Belianin
Vice-president - Natalia V. Malysheva
Postal Address: 1A Professionalnaya St., Dmitrov, the Moscow Region 141800, Russia
Tel.: (495) 993-78-53, (496) 224-35-44
Fax: (495) 993-78-53
E-mail: mail@dmtpp.ru
Web: www.dmtpp.ru
Region of operation: Noginsk
President - Mohammed A. Sakalov
Postal Address: 2-А Pharmacy lane, Moscow region, Noginsk, 142403, Russia
Tel.: (496) 515-93-56, (925) 720-67-77
E-mail: sntpp@mail.ru
Web: www.noginsk.tpprf.ru, www.sntpp.ru
President - Victor I. Tarusin
Postal Address: 18 Molodezhnaya St., Odintsovo, the Moscow Region, 143003, Russia
Tel.: (495) 599-15-65, 599-72-24
Fax: (495) 599-15-65
E-mail: otpp@mail.ru
President - Dmitry N. Denisov
Director general - Bogdan V. Porebski
Postal Address: of. 311, 9 Solntseva St., Ruza, the Moscow Region 143103, Russia
Tel.: 8(496)275-04-53
Fax: 8(496)275-04-53
E-mail: info@tppruza.ru
Web: http://ruza.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Volokolamsk, Shakhovskoy Lotoshinsky districts of Moscow region
Date of establishment: 06.03.2014
President – Vera A. Vdovina
Postal Address: 23 Factory St., Volokolamsk, The Moscow Region, 143602, Russia
Tel.: (496) 362-89-85
E-mail: volokmtpp@mail.ru
President - Alexander G. Poleshchuk
Postal Address: 18A Bolnichny pas., Voskresensk, the Moscow Region, 140020, Russia
Telephone: (49644) 2-05-66, 442-39-18
Fax: (49644) 2-79-47
E-mail: vostpp@vostpp.ru
Web: http://www.vostpp.ru/
Director: Igor M. Aksenov
Postal Address: 25 2nd microdistrict., Yegorievsk 140300, Russia
Telephone: (49640) 3-38-79, 3-48-02
E-mail: palata@egortpp.ru
Web: www.egortpp.ru
President - Vladimir I. Lutchin
Postal Address: 2 Gagarin St., office 401, Zhukovsky, the Moscow Region 140180, Russia
Tel.: (495) 556-13-39, (49648) 7-45-54
Fax: (495) 556-13-39
E-mail: tppz@inbox.ru
Web: zhukovsky.tpprf.ru
President - Svyatoslav A. Komarov
Postal Address: 3 Naugorskoe Shosse, 3rd floor, Orel, the Orel Region 302020, Russia
Tel./fax: (4862) 73-66-02, 73-66-07, 73-66-16, 73-66-25
E-mail: palata@orel.ru
Web: http://orel.tpprf.ru/
President - Tatyana V. Guseva,
Vice-President - Sergey A. Polupanov,
Postal Address: 14 Gorky St., Ryazan, the Ryazan Region 390023, Russia
Tel.: (4912) 25-20-67, 28-99-03 (reception), 25-48-60
Fax: (491) 228-99-02
E-mail: eg2008@mail.ru
Web: www.ryazancci.ru
President - Vladimir P. Arkhipenkov
Vice-President - Vladimir P. Pinyugin
Postal Address: 10a Bakunin St., Smolensk, the Smolensk Region 214000, Russia
Tel.: (481) 238-74-50, 238-01-67
Fax.: 238-74-50
E-mail: smolenskcci@keytown.com
Web: http://www.smolenskcci.ru/
President - Nikolay F. Kalinov (4752 - 72-21-48)
Postal Address: 150/14 K.Marx St., Tambov, the Tambov Region 392000, Russia
Tel.: (4752) 72-21-48 (reception desk),
72-01-73 (Vice-President)
72-01-58 (Accounting department)
Fax: (4752) 72-15-31
E-mail: tpp@totpp.ru
Web: http://www.totpp.ru/
President - Yury M. Aghafonov (4872)36-45-17
Postal Address: 17 Mikheev St.,, Tula, the Tula Region 300607, Russia
Tel.: (4872) 25-16-32, 25-02-85, 25-02-58
Fax: (4872) 25-01-46, 25-02-58
E-mail: tula@ccitula.ru
Web: www.ccitula.ru
Chairman - Vladislav V. Shorikov
Postal Address: 9 Vagzhanovsky St., 2nd floor, P.O. Box 5A, Tver, the Tver Region 170000, Russia
Tel.: (4822) 35-98-43, 48-93-83
Fax: (4822) 35-98-43, 48-93-83
E-mail: mailto:tcci@tverregion.ru
Web: http://тверскаятпп.рф/
President - Viktor N. Kudinov
Postal Address: 13 Lenin Square, office 23, Kolchugino, the Vladimir Region 601750, Russia
Tel.: (49245) 2-21-56, 2-21-56
Fax: (49245) 2-24-34
E-mail: juristksf@rambler.ru
Acting President - Ivan V. Aksenov
Postal Address: 34 Studenaya Gora., business-centre 6th floor, Vladimir, the Vladimir Region 600001, Russia
Tel.: (4922) 53-25-64, 45-12-45, 45-08-30, 33-03-83
Fax: (4922) 45-08-39, 45-08-30, 45-12-45
Telex: 218911
E-mail: root@cci.vladimir.ru
Web: www.cci.vladimir.ru
President - Juriy F. Goncharov
Location: 36 9th Yanvarya (5th floor), Voronezh, the Voronezh Region 394018, Russia
Postal address: 36 9th Yavarya (5th floor), Voronezh, the Voronezh Region 394018, Russia
Tel.:(4732) 77-24-87, 277-06-02, 277-04-01
Fax: (4732) 77-24-87,
E-mail: tpp@tppvrn.ru
Web: www.tppvo.ru
President - Sergey Y. Kuzenev
Vice-president: Igor A. Shipilov
Postal Address: 12 Krestovaya St./4/6 Krasnaya Sq., Rybinsk, the Yaroslavl Region 152934, Russia
Tel.: (4855) 28-00-30, 21-76-84, 22-22-85
Fax: (4855) 28-00-30
E-mail: rtpp@yaroslavl.ru
President: Natalia V. Rogotskaya
Vice-President: Alexander G. Fedorov
Postal Address: 62 Svobody St., Yaroslavl, the Yaroslavl Region 150014, Russia
Tel.: (4852) 32-88-85, 21-81-44, 21-98-61
Fax: (4852) 32-88-85
E-mail: prestpp@yartpp.ru
Web: yartpp.ru
Department of Yaroslavl CCI in Rybinsk
Region of operation: Rybinsk and the Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl region
Director: Alevtina M. Kuznetsova
Tel.: (4855) 28-00-30, 21-76-03
E-mail: rybinsk@yartpp.ru
Department of Yaroslavl CCI in Pereslavl-Zalessky
Region of operation: town of Pereslavl-Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region
Director: Maxim V. CHernousov
Tel.: + 7-999-800-71-14
E-mail: pereslavl@yartpp.ru
President - Andrey L. Usenko
Vice-President - Leonid I. Perminov (8332) 35-89-15
Postal Address: 4 Profsouznaya St., Kirov, the Kirov Region 610004, Russia
Telephone: (8332) 65-15-65, 38-18-01 (Lipatnikov)
Fax: (8332) 65-15-65
E-mail: mailto:vcci@vcci.ru, upr@vcci.ru
Web: http://www.vcci.ru/
President - Elena V. Razumovskaya
Postal Address: 3, Dzerzhinsky Square, Dzerzhinsk, the Nizhny Novgorod Region 606000, Russia
Tel.: (8313) 25-20-33, 26-51-94 (security), 26-42-08, 26-15-46
Fax: (8313) 26-44-09, 26-57-76
E-mail: info@dztpp.ru
Web: www.dztpp.r52.ru
President - Oleg N. Avdeev
Postal Address: 4 Svobodina lane, Orenburg, the Orenburg Region 460000, Russia
Tel.: (3532) 91-33-70, 91-33-67, 91-33-69
Fax: (3532) 77-02-35
E-mail: cci@orenburg-cci.ru
Web: www.orenburg-cci.ru
Chairman -Vladimir N. Podobed
Chairman - Vladimir N. Podobed
First Deputy Chairman - Vladimir A. Parshin
Postal Address: 32 Kuznetskaya str., Penza 440061, Russia
Tel.: (8412) 52-42-29, 56-65-41
Fax: (8412) 52-46-41
E-mail: penzcci@tpppnz.ru
Web: www.tpppnz.ru
President - Oleg M. Zhdanov
Postal Address: 24B Sovetskaya St., Perm, the Perm Region 614000, Russia
Tel.: (342) 235-78-48, 210-10-00
Fax: (342) 235-78-48
E-mail: permtpp@permtpp.ru
Web: www.permtpp.ru
Director - Vladimir B. Sitnikov
Postal Address: 17 Yubileinaya St., Berezniki, the Perm Region 618400, Russia
Tel/Fax.: (3424) 26-35-52, 26-22-63, 26-25-61, 26-70-62
E-mail: vktpp@vktpp.ru
Web: www.vktpp.ru
Postal Address: 3 K.Marksa St., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan 450008, Russia
Tel.: (347) 276-20-52
E-mail: office@tpprb.ru
Web: www.tpprb.ru
President - Igor V. Kustarin
Postal Address: 4/2 I. Yakovlev Prospekt, Cheboksary, the Republic of Chuvashia 428029, Russia
Tel.: (8352) 70-91-92 (Accounting), (8352) 70-91-61
Fax: (8352) 70-91-90
E-mail: tpp@tppchr.ru
Web: www.tppchr.ru
General Director - German A. Dementyev (63-01-64)
Postal Address: 95 Stroiteley st., Yoshkar-Ola, Marii El Republic, 424006, Russia
Telephone: (8362) 63-01-64, 45-57-33
Fax: (8362) 63-04-26, 42-04-56
E-mail: rmepalata@mail.ru
Web: http://mariel.tpprf.ru
CEO- Aleksandr V. Garmashov
Director - Yuri A. Levushkin
Postal Address: 14 Moskovskaya St., Saransk, the Republic of Mordovia 430005, Russia
Telephone: (8342) 47-21-75, 32-72-47, 47-52-31
Fax: (8342) 32-73-80, 47-85-37
E-mail: tpprm@moris.ru
Web: www.tpprm.ru
Chairman - R. M. Shavaleev
Postal Address:15 Neftanikov St., Almetyevsk 423450, Russia
Tel/Fax.: (8553) 30-60-57 (58,59), 31-74-80
E-mail: uvtpp@bk.ru
Chairman of the Council: Yuri I. Petrushin
Director General: Farid R. Basharov (8-917-398-16-77)
Postal Address: 122 Usmanova St., Naberezhnye Chelny, the Republic of Tatarstan 423826, Russia
Tel.:(8552) 57-38-12
Fax: (8552) 57-42-93
E-mail: tpp.info@mail.ru, tppzkam@gmail.com
Web: www.tppzkam.ru
Chairman - Shamil R. Agheyev (36-49-86)
First Deputy Chairman of the Board - Arthur S. Nikolaev
Deputy Chairman of the Board - Dmitry V. Shevelev
Deputy Chairman of the Board - Nail H. Islamov
Deputy Chairman of the Board - Igor I. Shaykhutdinov
Deputy Chairman of the Board - Vilora V. Avilova
Deputy Chairman of Board - Tatiana V. Race
Postal Address: 18 Pushkina St., Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan 420111, Russia
Tel.: (843) 264-62-07, 236-99-00, 238-61-04
Fax: ((843) 236-09-66
E-mail: tpprt@tpprt.ru, org@tpprt.ru
Web: www.tpprt.ru
President: Vladimir I. Pokras
Postal Address: 101, Lenina St., P.O.Box 2505 Izhevsk, the Republic of Udmurtia 426067, Russia
Tel.: (3412) 90-02-10 , 90-02-15
Fax: (3412) 90-02-13
E-mail: soex@udmtpp.ru
Web: www.udmtpp.ru
President - Valery P. Fomichev
Vice-President - Irina A. Shelepova
Postal Address: 6 A.Tolstoi St., Samara, the Samara Region 443099, Russia
Tel.: (846) 332-11-59
Fax: (846) 270-48-96
E-mail: tpp@tppsamara.ru
Web: www.tppsamara.ru
President - Victor N. Shamray
Postal Address: 19A Pobedy St., Tolyatti, the Samara Region 445009, Russia
Tel.: (8482) 90-33-03
E-mail: office@ccitogliatti.ru, tpp@ccitogliatti.ru
Web: www.ccitogliatti.ru
President - Alexey V. Antonov
Vice-President - Sergey G. Leonov
Postal Address: 186 Shelkovichnaya St., Saratov, the Saratov Region 410071, Russia
Tel.: +7 (8452) 390-350
Fax: +7 (8452) 390-450
E-mail: secretariat@sartpp.ru
Web: www.sartpp.ru
Region of operation: the Ulyanovsk Region
Date of establishment: 21.07.92
President - Alexander I. Yakunin
Postal Address: 19 Engels St., Ulyanovsk, the Ulyanovsk Region 432063, Russia
Tel.: (8422) 41-03-61, 41-03-53
Fax: (8422) 41-09-77, 41-03-61
E-mail: info@ultpp.ru, office@ultpp.ru
Web: ultpp.ru, ulnek.ru
Acting President - Sergey R. Of Diyuk
Postal Address: 43 General Vasiliev str., office no. 106, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, Russian Federation
Telephone: +7 (978) 974 44 11, +7 (978) 974 44 04
E-mail: crimea@tpprf.ru
Web: cci-crimea.ru, crimea.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: the Astrakhan Region
Date of establishment: 30.04.92
President - Stanislav S. Sinchenko
Postal Address: 50 Admiralteyskaya St., Astrakhan, the Astrakhan Region 414040, Russia
Telephone: (8512) 25-58-44, 28-14-33, 28-14-39
Fax: (8512) 28-14-42
E-mail: atpp30@mail.ru
Web: astrakhan.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Abinsk, the Krasnodar Territory
Date of establishment: 19.11.2004
Chairman - Evgeny V. Zakomirny
Postal Address: 45 Internatsionalaya St., Abinsk, the Krasnodar Territory 353320, Russia
Tel.: (861-50) 4-16-12
Tel/Fax: (861-50) 4-47-39
E-mail: atpp2005@yandex.ru
Web: abinsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Vladimir N. Tkachuk
Postal Address: 15 Prospekt Revolyutsii, Anapa, the Krasnodar Territory 353440, Russia
Telephone: (86133) 4-68-65
Fax: (86133) 4-00-81
E-mail: atpp@mail.ru
Web: anapa.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Tatyana I. Golovkina
Postal Address: 48, Lenina St., Apsheronsk, the Krasnodar Teritory 352690, Russia
Telephone: (86152) 2-38-25
Fax:(86152) 2-56-75
E-mail: president@atpp.biz, apsheronsk.tpp@mail.ru
Web: apsheronsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Sergey V. Tretyakov
Postal Address: 61 Chicherin St., Armavir, the Krasnodar Region 352900, Russia
Tel.: (86137) 3-22-06
Fax: (86137) 4-31-22
E-mail: tpparm@mail.ru
Chairperson - Olga A. Shchelkonogova
Postal Address: 25/1 Lenin St., Belorechensk, the Krasnodar Territory 352630, Russia
Tel.: (86155) 2-65-39
Fax: (86155) 2-65-30
E-mail: tppbel@yandex.ru
Chairman - Vladimir A. Saraev
Postal Address: 53/1 Krasnaya St., stanitsa Dinskaya, the Krasnodar Territory 353200, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (86162) 5-97-07
E-mail: tppdinskaja@mail.ru
Web: dinsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Irina A. Shapovalova
Postal Address: 194 Lenin St., Goryachy Kluch, the Krasnodar Territory 353290, Russia
Telephone: 8(861-59)-3-65-05; 8(800)-2000-564
Fax: 8(861-59)-3-65-05
E-mail: infotppgk@mail.ru
Region of operation: the Krasnoarmeisk District
Date of establishement: 11.02.10
Chairman - Eduard F.Pfizenmaier
Postal Address: 201 Kommunistitsheskaya St., Stanitsa Poltavskaya, the Krasnodar Territory, 353800
Tel/Fax: (86165)310-24
E-mail: tppkrkk@rambler.ru
Web: krasnoarmeysk.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory
Date of establishment: august 1969
Chairman - Alexander Yu. Tkachenko
First Deputy Chairman - Yegor V. Arabsky
Postal Address: 2/6 Tramway St., business center "Mercury",Krasnodar, the Krasnodar Region 350911, Russia
Telephone: (861) 992-03-27, (861) 992-03-46 - planning department
Fax: (861) 992-03-27
E-mail: tppkk@tppkuban.ru
Web: www.tppkuban.ru, kuban.tpprf.ru, тппкубань.рф, tppkk.ru
Region of operation: the Leningradsky District, Krasnodar Territory
Date of estabissement: 03.09.10
Chairman - Dmitry A. Kolesnik
Postal Address: 139 Cooperatives St., Stanitsa Leningradskaya, the Krasnodar Territory, 353740, Russia
Tel: (86145)7-33-18
Tel/Fax: (86145)3-99-93
E-mail: tpplrkk@yandex.ru
Chairman - Konstantin T. Dimitriev
Postal Address: 13 Ostrovsky St., Gelendzhik, the Krasnodar Territory 353460, Russia
Telephone/Fax:(86141)3-41-69, 3-47-15
E-mail: tppgel@bk.ru
Web: gelendzhik.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Alexey M. Shulikov
Postal Address: 43 Lenin St., Severskaya, the Krasnodar Teritory 353240, Russia
Telephone: (86166) 2-70-04, +7 (918) 437-14-89
Fax: (86166) 2-70-04
E-mail: srtpp@mail.ru
Web: severskaya.tpprf.ru
Chairperson - Ivan A. Pavlidi
Postal Address: 1 Sovetskaya St., Gulkevichi, the Krasnodar Territory 352150, Russia
Tel.: (86160) 3-39-56
Fax: (86160) 3-39-56
E-mail: gulktpp@mail.kuban.ru
Chairman -
Postal Address: 62 Gorky St., Kanevskaya, the Krasnodar Region 353730, Russia
Tel.: 8 (961) 510-09-78, 8 (918) 16-24-333
E-mail: kan_tpp@mail.ru
Chairman - Nataliya A. Soloukhina
Postal Address: 126A Mira St., Korenovsk, the Krasnodar Region 353180, Russia
Tel.: (86142) 4-57-51
E-mail: kortpp@rambler.ru
Chairman - Sergey V. Belov (5-28-85)
Postal Address: 4A Krasnaya St., Kropotkin 1, the Krasnodar Region 352396, Russia
Telephone: (86138) 7-28-85, 7-21-31
Fax: (86138) 7-21-31
E-mail: kroptpp@mail.ru
Postal Address: 36 B Karl Liebknecht St.,Krymsk, the Krasnodar Territory 353380, Russia
Telephone: (86131) 2-02-93; 2-21-23; 2-25-80
E-mail: krymskayatpp@mail.ru
Chairman - Natalya D. Blagievskaya
Postal Address: 45 Lenin St., Kurganinsk, the Krasnodar Territory 352430, Russia
Telephone: (86147) 2-40-62
Fax: (86147) 2-91-81
E-mail: kurgtpp@mail.ru
Web: kurganinsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Yuriy N. Lozovoy
Postal Address: 14 Lenina St., Kushchevskaya, the Krasnodar Territory 252030, Russia
Tel./Fax: (86168) 5-42-41, 5-32-55
E-mail: tppkush3341@rambler.ru
Web: kushevskaya.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Vladimir G. Morghovskoy
Postal Address: 31 Mezhdunarodnaja St., Labinsk, the Krasnodar Territory 352500, Russia
Telephone: (86169) 3-47-23, 3-20-31
Fax: (86169) 3-20-31
E-mail: labtpp@mail.kuban.ru
Chairman - Igor G. Zharinov
Postal Address: 6 Gubernskogo St., 22A Portovaya, Novorossisk, the Krasnodar Region 353900, Russia
Telephone: (8617) 61-00-29
Fax: (8617) 61-00-59
E-mail: ntpp@ntpp.biz
Web: www.ntpp.biz
Chairman - Alexander A. Balitsky
Postal Address: 15 Lenina St., Stanitsa Pavlovskaya, the Krasnodar Territory 352040, Russia
Telephone: (86191) 3-20-22
Fax: (86191) 2-10-78
E-mail: prtpp@list.ru
Chairman - Tatiana V. Kolmyk
Postal Address: 324 Shkolnaya St., Slavyansk-na-Kubani, the Krasnodar Territory 353567, Russia
Telephone: (86146) 2-16-05, 4-16-09
Fax: (86146) 2-16-05
E-mail: tpp_slaw@mail.ru
Date of establishment: 11.03.92
Chairman - Taras V. Yarosh
Postal Address: 15 Kubanskaya St., Sochi, the Krasnodar Territory 354000, Russia
Telephone: (8622) 96-75-48, 96-75-36
E-mail: info-tppsochi@mail.ru
Web: sochi.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Yevgheniya M. Sokolova-Utkina
Postal Address: 46 Lenin St., building 2, number 3, Temryuk, the Krasnodar Territory 353500, Russia
Telephone: (86148) 5-27-58
Fax: (86148) 5-27-58
E-mail: ttpp@list.ru
Web: temryuk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Yevgheny P. Shestakov
Vice-chairman - Yevgheniya Ya. Zorich
Postal Address: 64 Lyapidevsky St., Tikhoretsk, the Krasnodar Region 352125, Russia
Telephone:(86196) 5-38-97, 5-04-85, 7-22-87
Fax: (86196) 5-38-97
E-mail: tpptih@mail.kuban.ru
Web: tihtpp.ru
Chairman - Gennady V. Shpyghar
Postal Address: 165A Lenin St., Timashevsk, the Krasnodar Region 352700, Russia
Telephone: (86130) 4-03-33, 4-12-02
Fax: (86130) 4-03-33
E-mail: timahtpp@mail.ru
Chairman - Yri N.Getta
Postal Address: 3 Komsomolskaya st, Tuapse, the Krasnodar Territory 352800, Russia
Telephone: 8(86167) 2-45-54; 2-04-53; 2-36-14; 2-73-19
Fax: 8(86167) 2-36-14; 2-73-19
E-mail: palata@tuapse.ru
Web: tuapse.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Sergey Y. Dolgov
Postal Address: 83 Lenin St., Ust-Labinsk, the Krasnodar Territory 352330, Russia
Tel./Fax: 8(86135) 5-27-28
E-mail: tpp2009@yandex.ru
Web: ustlabinsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Nikolay P. Teplukhin
Postal Address: 27 Lenina St., Viselky, the Krasnodar Territory 353100, Russia
Telephone: (86157) 7-35-81, 7-33-66
Fax: (86157) 7-35-81, (86157) 7-30-33
E-mail: vsltpp@mail.kuban.ru
Web: vyselki.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Pyotr M. Podstavka
Postal Address: 37 Lenin St., Yeisk, the Krasnodar Territory 353680, Russia
Telephone: (86132) 2-66-00, 2-65-44, 3-34-48, 2-08-96
Fax: (86132) 2-66-00
E-mail: natali-carenko@yandex.ru
Web: http://yeisk.tpprf.ru/ru/
Chairman: Pshimaf I. Karkacha
Postal Address: cc.3 4 Dimitrova St., Maikop, the Republic of Adygea 385011, Russia
Tel./Fax: (8772) 55-89-43, 55-89-38,
E-mail: tpp-adygheya@yandex.ru
Web: adygea.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Nadezhda P. Ilyanova
Postal Address: 2 Gubarevicha St., Elista, the Republic of Kalmykia 358001, Russia
Telephone: (84722) 4-12-98
Fax: (84722) 2-79-13
E-mail: tpp@elista.ru
Web: kalmykia.tpprf.ru
President - Anna Ya. Ignatova
Director General - Vladimir A. Povalyaev
Deputy Director General - Andrey V. Babkin
Postal Address: 149 Lenin St., Shakhty, the Rostov Region 346500, Russia
Tel.: (8636) 22-65-80 (President), 22-51-54, 22-20-61 (examination department)
Fax:(8636) 22-51-54
E-mail: tpp_shakhty@bk.ru
Web: shakhty.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Municipality urban district «City Volgodonsk»
Date of establishment: 12.21.2018
President: Strukov Oleg Mikhailovich
Postal Address:
347382, Russian Federation, Rostov region, Volgodonsk, Kurchatov Ave., Building 36-g, room number II
Tel.: (8639) 221784
Fax: (8639) 221784
E-mail: volgtpp@mail.ru
Web: volgodonsk.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: the Rostov Region
Date of establishment: 25.06.92
President: Nikolay I. Prisyazhnyuk
Vice-President: Svetlana L. Abdulazizova
Vice-President: SergeyB. Schneider
Vice-President: Yuri V. Alekseevsky
Postal Address: 40A Kirovskiy prospect., Rostov-on-Don, the Rostov Region 344022, Russia
Tel.: (863) 268-76-01 (reception desk); 268-76-01
Fax: (863) 200-25-28
E-mail: tpp@tppro.ru
Web: www.tppro.ru
Union «CCI Volgodonsk»
Region of activity: a Municipal urban district "the City of Volgodonsk»
Date of Foundation: 21.12.2018
President: Oleg M. Strukov
Postal Address: 74 Lenin Str., Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, the Rostov Region 347810, Russia
Tel.: (86365) ) 7-08-83
Fax: (86365) 7-08-83
E-mail: kamtpp@mail.ru
Web: kamenskshah.tpprf.ru
President - Ryastem A. Amerkhanov (314-423)
Postal Address: 118A Chekhov St., Taganrog, the Rostov Region 347900, Russia
Tel.: (8634) 314-423
Fax: (8634) 314-423
E-mail: office@tcci.ru
Web: www.ticci.ru
President - Marina N.Noskova, +7(8635)25-87-67
Postal Address: 5 Dvortsovaja St., Nvocherkassk, Rostovskaya District, 346400, Russia
Tel.: (86352) 2-31-57
Fax: (34672) 2-75-87
E-mail: tpp@novoch.ru
Web: novocherkassk.tpprf.ru
President – Tatyana I. Krivolutskaya
Postal Address: 34 Bolshaya Morskaya St., Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea, 299011 , Russia
Tel.: +7 (8692) 54-35-36
Fax: +7 (8692) 54-35-36
E-mail: members@sevtpp.ru
Web: sevastopol.tpprf.ru
President, Chairman of the Board - Vadim E. Tkachenko
Chairman of the Council - Alexander D. Belitsky
Postal Address: 22 Raboche-Krestyanskaya st., Volgograd, the Volgograd Region, 400074,Russia
Tel.: +7(8442) 41-50-10, 26-78-87
Fax: +7(8442) 41-50-10, 26-78-87
E-mail: mailto:cci@volgogradcci.ru, vcci@mail.ru(reception)
Web: www.volgogradcci.ru
President - Vladimir N. Glukhov
Postal Address: 4 Stalingradskaya St., Volgograd, the Volgograd Region 404120, Russia
Tel.: (8443) 27-04-41 (reception), 27-04-43, 27-68-59
Fax: (8443) 27-04-61
E-mail: tpp@volzhsky.ru, volzhsky-tpp@rambler.ru
Web: www.tpp.volzhsky.ru
Region of operation: the Chechen Republic
Date of establishment: 08.11.2001
President - Salman I. Kimaev
Postal Address: 2 Garage St., Grozny, 364020, the Chechen Republic
Telephone: (8712) 22-36-93,
Fax: (8712) 22-33-45
E-mail: tppchr@mail.ru
Web: chechnya.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of Daghestan
Date of establishment: 21.11.91
President - Badrutin Z. Magomedov
Postal Address: 11 Batyra st, Makhachkala, the Republic of Daghestan 367000, Russia
Telephone: 8(8722)67-04-61, 67-04-62, 67-43-21;
Fax: 8(8722)67-04-61;
E-mail: tpprd@bk.ru
Web: rd.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of Ingushetia
Date of establishment: 04.07.98
President - Radmila A. Nalgiyeva
Postal Address: 11A Garchkhanova Str., Magas, the Republic of Ingushetia, 386001, Russia
Telephone: 8 (8734) 55-19-62
Fax: 8 (8734) 55-19-62
E-mail: tppri@mail.ru
Web: tpp-ri.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
Date of establishment: 05.02.92
Chairman - Hasan M. Guketlov
Postal Address: 167, Chernyshevskiy St, Nalchik, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria 360004, Russia
Telephone: (8662) 72-30-38
Fax: (8662) 42-21-22.
E-mail: tpp.kbr@mail.ru, soex.kbr@mail.ru
Web: kbr.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of Karachayevo-Cherkessia
Date of establishment: 14.10.94
President - Diana K. Hubiev
Postal Address: 92 Pushkinskaya St., Cherkessk, the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia 369000, Russia
Telephone: (8782) 26-16-38; 26-11-77; 26-21-32
Fax: (87822) 5-11-77
E-mail: mail@tppkchr.ru
Web: tpp.cherkessk.ru
Region of operation: the Republic of North Ossetia Alania
Date of establishment: 24.05.93
President - Kazbek Kh. Tughanov
Postal Address: 10 Avgustovskikh Sobitii St., Vladikavkaz, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 362002, Russia
Tel.: (8672) 54 85 10, 53-15-84
Fax: (8672) 53-94-70
E-mail: tpprso-alania@mail.ru
Web: rsoa.tpprf.ru
Region of operation: Pyatigorsk
President - Larisa G. Kartashova
Postal Address: 24 Kozlov St., Pyatigorsk, 357500, Russia
Tel.: (8793) 97-37-80
Fax: (8793) 33-46-29
E-mail: tppregionkmv@mail.ru
Web: http://www.tppnakmv.ru/
Region of operation: the Stavropol Territory
President - Boris A. Obolenez
Vice-President - Irina N.Liakisheva
Postal Address: 55A Dovatortzy St., Stavropol, the Stavropol Territory 355042, Russia
Tel.: (8652) (8652) 94-53-34, 94-52-31, 34-05-10
Fax: (8652) 94-53-34
Web: http://www.tppsk.ru/
President - German I. Zapyantsev (3519) 24-51-01
Postal Address: 12 Chapaev St., Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region 455002, Russia
Telephone:(3519)22-63-44 (Secretary)
(3519) 22-24-95 (Assessment department)
(3519) 23-74-34 (Examination department)
(3519) 23-89-53 (Legal department)
Fax: (3519) 24-82-17
E-mail: mailto:mtpp@mtpp74.ru
Web: http://www.mtpp74.ru/
Region of activity: Miass urban district, Chelyabinsk region
Date of foundation: 20.11.13
President: Elena V. Sutkina
Address: Russia, 453004, Chelyabinsk region, city of Miass, Romanenko str., 50A, office 402
Tel.: +7 (3513) 26-47-00
Tel./Fax: +7 (3513) 26-47-00
E-mail: tppmgo@gmail.com
President - Fyodr L. Degtyarev
Vice-President - Boris V. Tokorev (66-18-35),
Vice-President - A.I. Aristov (3512) 63-52-15
Postal Address: 56 Soni Krivoy St., Chelyabinsk, the Chelyabinsk Region 454080, Russia
Telephone: (3512) 66-18-16
Fax: (3512) 65-41-32
telex:124857 EDIN RU
E-mail: mail@uralreg.ru
Web: www.uralreg.ru
Region of operation: the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area
Date of establishment: 28.08.93
President - Igor' S. Chertov
Postal Address: 19, Studencheskaja Str., Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra, 628011, Russia
Tel.: (3467) 371-888, 371-883, 371-884, 363-112
Fax: (3467)371-888
E-mail: tpp_hmao@mail.ru
Web: www.tpphmao.ru
President - Anatoly V. Lisin
Postal Address: 17 Omskaya St., Nizhnevartovsk, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, the Tyumen Region 628611, Russia
Tel.: reception (3466) 42-52-00, 65-11-57;
Department of examination (3466) 42-52-01, 65-12-24;
E-mail: tppnv@tppnv.ru
Web: www.tppnv.ru, nizhnevartovsk.tpprf.ru
President - Pavel V. Sviridov
Postal Address: 16 Aviatsionnaya St., Nyagan, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, the Tyumen Region 627790, Russia
Tel.: (34672) 6-14-12
Fax: (34672) 6-14-12
E-mail: ncci@mail.ru
Web: tpp-nyagan.ru
CEO - Anna A. Furmanova
Postal Address: 34A 30 Let Pobedy St., P.O. Box 30, Surgut, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, the Tyumen Region 626400, Russia
Tel.: (3462) 50-09-50, 50-15-70
Fax: (3462) 50-09-50
E-mail: tpp@tppsurgut.ru
Web: tppsurgut.ru, vk.com/tppsurgut, facebook.com/tppsurgut
President: Ilya V. Nazarenko
Address: 88A Krasina str., Kurgan, Kurgan region, 640001
Tel.: +7(3522)460-700, +7(3522)54-27-47
E-mail: tpp45@yandex.ru
Web: gorodkurgan.tpprf.ru
President - Boris Ya. Sokolov
Postal Address: 56 Prospect Mira., Nizhny Tagil, the Sverdlovsk Region 622036, Russia
Tel.: (3435) 41-55-08 (reception desk); 41-99-26, 42-10-78
Fax: (3435) 41-99-26
E-mail: tppnt@mail.ru
Web: www.tppnt.ru
President - Viktor V. Bardala
Postal Address: 2А Tolstoy St., Novouralsk, the Sverdlovsk Region 624130, Russia
Tel.: 8 (34370) 6-34-96
E-mail: tppnngo@mail.ru
Web: novouralsk.tpprf.ru
President - Andrey A. Besedin
Postal Address: 19A Narodnoy Voli St., Yekaterinburg, the Sverdlovsk Region 620144, Russia
Tel./Fax: (343) 214-87-64, 214-87-46
E-mail: ucci@ucci.ur.ru
Web: ucci.ur.ru
President - Eduard R. Abdullin
Vice-president - Fedor V. Koltshin
Postal Address: 114 Kholodilnaya St., office 603, Tyumen, the Tyumen Region 625048, Russia
Tel./Fax.: (3452) 49-45-80, 49-45-81, 49-45-82, 49-45-83
E-mail: tpp-to@tpp-to.ru
Web: www.tppto.ru
President - Sergey A. Noskin
Postal Address: 16B Komsomolskaya str., Salekhard, Tyumeskaja district, Yamalo-Nenetsk autonomous area, 629008, Russia, ,
Tel.: 8 (34922) 9-90-01
E-mail: tpp@tpp89.org
Web: http://ynao.tpprf.ru/
President: Tschesnokov Boris A.
Postal Address: 2 Bovarin Square, 6-7th floor, Barnaul, the Altai Territory 656059, Russia
Tel.: (3852) 65-37-65
Fax: (3852) 65-37-60
E-mail: mail@alttpp.ru
Web: http://www.alttpp.ru/
Region of operation: Bratsk, the Irkutsk Region
Date of establishment: 13.03.96
Chairperson - Svetlana V. Hartsun
Postal Address: 6G Mira St., Bratsk-8, the Irkutsk Region 665708, Russia, (POB 667)
Tel.: (3953) 41-41-75, 41-83-50, 41-77-61,
Fax: (3953) 41-45-75
E-mail: info@ccibratsk.ru
Web: www.ccibratsk.ru
President: Victor V. Tikhonov
Address: 30, Lenin St., Angarsk, Irkutsk Region, Russian Federation, 665830
Telephone: (3955) 52-74-53, (3955) 52-19-40, (3955) 52-23-91
E-mail: tpp.ang@mail.ru
Web: angarsk.tpprf.ru
President - Alexey I. Sable
Postal Address: 16, Sukhbaatar str., office 510, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region, 664003, Russia
Telephone: (3952) 33-50-60, 33-51-00, 33-51-16, 33-51-32
Fax: (3952) 34-37-93, 33-50-66
E-mail: info@tppvs.ru
Web: www.tppvs.ru
Chairman of the Council - Tatyana O. Alexeyeva
Director - Marina G. Shavgulidze (25-92-11)
Postal Address: 1, Sosnovaya Boulevard, office 510, Kemerovo, the Kemerovo Region 650002, Russia
Telephone: (3842) 77-88-00
E-mail: ktpp@kuztpp.ru
Web: www.kuztpp.ru
President - Rafael M. Sageev
Postal Address: 26 Kirov St., Krasnoyarsk, the Krasnoyarsk Region 660049, Russia
Tel.: (391) 268-15-85 (reception)
Fax: (391) 268-16-70
E-mail: cstpp@mail
Web: cstpp24.ru, krasnoyarsk.tpprf.ru
Chairman - Nina I. Demidova
Postal Address: 17 Vaneeva St., office 55, P.O. Box 560, Minusinsk, the Krasnoyarsk Region 662603, Russia
Tel.: +7 (39132) 4-02-96
E-mail: urtpp@minusa.ru
Web: minusinsk.tpprf.ru
President - Sergey I. Altukhov
Postal Address: 1 Prospekt Marksa, Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk Region 630064, Russia
Tel.:(383) 346-41-50, 346-54-01, 346-30-47, 346-40-65
Fax.:(383) 46-30-47, 46-41-50
E-mail: org@ntpp.ru
Web: www.ntpp.ru
President - Yury I. Bernadsky
Chairman Of The Board - Vladimir G. Zhenov
Postal Address: 79 M.Gorky St.,, Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk Region 630099, Russia
Tel.: (383) 223-80-20, 363-22-20
Fax: (3832) 223-8-20
E-mail: info@ngtpp.ru
Web: www.ngtpp.ru
President: Olga P. Fedulova
Postal Address: 51-53 Gercena St., Omsk, Omsky District, Russia, 644007
Tel.: (3812) 25-43-50, 23-45-80
Fax: (3812) 23-45-80
E-mail: omsktpp@mail.ru
Web: omsk.tpprf.ru
President - Tatiana V. Loginova
Postal Address: 309 office, 35 Tshoros-Gurkina St., Gorno-Altaysk, 649000, Altai Republic, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (388-22) 2-48-51
E-mail:: tppra125@mail.ru
Web: ra.tpprf.ru
President - Dmitry K. Druzhinin
Postal Address: 25 Lenin St., Ulan-Ude, the Republic of Buryatia, 670000, Russia
Tel.: 8 (3012) 21-55-88, 22-07-46, 21-16-92, 21-94-69
E-Mail: info@tpprb.com
Web: buryatia.tpprf.ru
President - Vladimir A. Sorokin
Postal Address: 45A Sovetskaya St., Abakan-19, P.O. Box 725, the Republic of Khakasia 655019, Russia
Tel.: (3902) 22-65-86 (reception), 22-74-38, 2-17-94 (accounting department), 2-45-26 (examination)
Fax: (3902) 22-72-79
Telex: 150113 TPP RU
E-mail: tpp19@torgpalata.ru
Web: khakassia.tpprf.ru
President: Ayaz N. Monge
Postal Address: 3 Tuvinskikh Dobrovoltsev St., Kyzyl, the Republic of Tyva 667000, Russia
Tel.: (39422) 2-18-88
E-mail: tpptyva@mail.ru
Web: tuva.tpprf.ru
President - Maxim M. Kostarev
Postal Address: 71 a, Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 634041, Tomsk
Tel.: 8 (3822) 278-288
Fax: 8 (3822) 433-218
E-mail: tpp@cnti.tomsk.su
Web: tomsktpp.ru
President: Yuri B. Eltsov
Postal Address: 675002, Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, Tchaikovsky str., 1, office 314
Telephone: (4162) 59-23-96, 52-47-65, 52-47-66
E-mail: info@tppamur.ru
Web: amur.tpprf.ru
President — Michail Y.Polovinko
Vice-president — Vitaly Y. Averin
Vice-president — Elena V. Yavits
Postal Address: 31 Lenin St., Birobidzhan, the Jewish Autonomous Area 682200, Russia
Telephone: (42622) 4-05-87, 2-19-00
Fax: (42622) 4-05-87
E-mail: tppalata@mail.ru
Web: evao.tpprf.ru
President - Dmitry A. Korostelev
Postal Address: 29/1 of.401 K.Marx Av., Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Kamchatka Region 683031, Russia
Telephone/Fax: (4152)25-22-86
E-mail: tppkamru@yandex.ru
Web: kamchatka.tpprf.ru
President - Igor Yu. Vostrikov
Vice-President -Mikhail V. Kruglikov,
Vice-President - Andrey V. Budanov
Postal Address: 113 Sheronov St., Khabarovsk, the Khabarovsk Territory 680000, Russia
Telephone: (4212) 30-47-70, 32-82-33, 30-56-58
Fax: (4212) 30-54-58
E-mail: admin@dvtpp.ru
Web: http://www.dvtpp.ru/
President - Nina I. Khoreva
Postal Address: 24 Lenin St., Sovetskaya Gavan, the Khabarovsk Region 682880, Russia
Telephone: (42138) 4-11-63
Fax: (42138) 4-11-63
E-mail: tpp-svg@mail.ru
Postal Address: office 202, 11/11 Pushkin St., Magadan 685000, Russia
Tel.: (4132) 62-85-12, 8 (914) 851-90-14, 8 (914) 037-03-70
Fax: (4132) 62-85-12
E-mail: luten@maglan.ru
President: Boris V. Stupnitsky
Postal Address: 13A Okeansky Prospekt, Vladivostok, the Primorsky Territory 690600, Russia
Tel.: (4232) 26-96-30, 26-13-80
Fax: (4232) 22-72-26
E-mail: palata@online.vladivostok.ru
Web: https://prim.tpprf.ru
President - Vladimir M. Tchlenov
Postal Address: 18B Kirova St., Office 810, Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 677027, Russia
Tel./Fax: (4112) 42-11-32, 42-07-89, 42-57-43
E-mail: tpp14@mail.ru
Web: http://tppsakha.ru/
President - Galina Y. Dzyuba
Postal Address: 21 Kommunistichesky Ave, office 303, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the Sakhalin Region, 693010, Russia
Tel.: (4242) 42-53-35
Fax: (4242) 42-54-22
E-mail: sakhtpp@mail.ru
Web: sakhalin.tpprf.ru
Today the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation unites about 182 territorial chambers of the Russian Federation. Chambers of Commerce and Industry operate in all major cities of the country.
Membership is voluntary. Today it comprises more than 50 thousand enterprises of large, medium and small businesses, non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs.
The prestige and infrastructure of the Chamber allow it to promote its members' interests, establish business relationships and attract investors.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation includes major Russian companies and more than 200 branches and business associations, making it a powerful business entity and allowing it to represent the interests of all fields of business.
The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the regional chambers have special-purpose committees and business councils. It includes organizations providing a wide range of services to businesses, as well as courts of arbitration.